
  1. M

    Hat Label Mystery!

    Hello everyone! Thank you for creating this wonderful site. I have a hat which I can't seem to identify. Originally I thought it might be a Mr . John but it just doesn't look like any of his labels I have seen. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Sam
  2. F

    Help with Mr John Jr fur it rabbit?

    Hello all, I recently found a Mr John fur hat, but even after looking at the VFG fur guides, am still wondering if I'm on track with identifying the fur type? It feels so soft and fine, with a fluffy undercoat, so I'm leaning towards rabbit. Can anyone tell from my photos if I'm correct? Any...
  3. onceoza

    Mr. John Hat

    What would you call the style of this Mr. John hat? I was thinking helmet?
  4. The Vintage Vendeuse

    Mr John Jr fur cap

    Hello everyone! Could I have some help with this hat, please? The style is like a swim cap, what style name is appropriate? (Cloche?) I'm thinking 60s, please correct me if I'm wrong. And I'm also hoping someone can offer an opinion on fur type. Thanks so much! (Pity the hat is on the small side.)
  5. J

    info needed about these hats please

    I am interesting in learning about these three hats - anything about the label, and dating them. thank you for help!
  6. R

    Need help in identifying the material this black hat is made from

    Hi- just discovered the wealth of data on this website. Truely amazing. Hoping you all can help me. I just acquired this beautiful black ladies hat and am trying to identify the material. At first I thought it was a brushed wool, but kind of resembles a short hair and is very soft (feels...
  7. Pinkcoke

    Query dating fancy Mr John hat label in resource

    I'm looking at a deep cloche hat in pale pink straw with the most extravagant lining and label I've ever seen, it matches the one in the resource with pink ribbon loops either side with diamantes on, currently dated as 70's, but this one also has a minature red chiffon bow sewn on at the bottom...
  8. B

    Mr.John hat

    I found this Mr. John hat while thrifting yesterday and wanted to know what the name for this style is? I found the label in the label source guide here but I'm still not sure if this hat is 60s or 70s. Any info would be great, thanks!
  9. zannew

    Help with dating a wool hat by Mr. John?

    Hello, Would this be considered a bowler? It seems so flat for that, but it does look like one to me. What age would you say this is? Thank you!