1897 The Millinery Trade Review Vol 22 Issue 9 Comparitive/Other Info Please?


Registered Guest

In preparing to list an 1897 issue of this journal, there were no other examples anywhere online that I could find of recent sales or the best places to offer issues of this magazine. In fact, other than the description of the magazine at the Library of Congress, there was nothing at all online, even though it was in publication for almost 65 years. www,loc.gov/exhibits/treasures/trio65.html

The Millinery Trade Review 1897 Sept Vol 22 Issue 9 (3).JPG

My issue is 78 pages including cover and back page. There are 2 full color pages; the entire journal was printed on very good quality paper. Note the hats were priced at $1.00 and 75 cents. I guess I'll splurge & order the one for $1.00!

Anybody know where others of this trade review have been sold? I'd like to go to the site that would get the most traffic for this item. Given that I couldn't find a single other one anywhere on sale now nor a google result showing any that were sold, should I understand that my issue is rare?

Thank you in advance for help.


The Millinery Trade Review 1897 Sept Vol 22 Issue 9 (2).JPG

That is a great issue of a wonderful publication. As a long time collector, I can share a little bit of what I know.

You can still find these online from time to time. There are always a few of these being sold, as a matter of fact you can even find them right now on Ebay but they are new reproduced copies or CDs of the originals. It is hard to find the originals, and even harder to find the earlier issues of this magazine. However I would not call them "rare" as they were mass produced and are around in private collections and libraries, just not being sold on line very often. Scarce to come by? Very much so.

If my memory serves, this publication changed names or was absorbed into another millinery magazine as there were about 4-5 with similar titles and a couple of them merged or took over the other in the early 20th century. I have to check and get back to you on the details when I get a chance. The company also published books on millinery instruction for both the professional and home milliner.

It is hard to say the best place to sell these. Prices are all over the place. Ebay auctions are a gamble, issues can sell for high prices or low depending on who is bidding. Sorry I cannot be of much help there. What I can share is that prices on these old millinery magazines have fallen greatly in the past few years. However, yours is a harder to find Victorian issue, so should garner a good price. It also has the distinction of having color plates of chapeaux by famous Paris milliners. Not all issues had those.

The color plates are wonderful to see!

Thanks for sharing your treasure with all of us.

Thank you for taking the time to respond, no less on the holiday, and Happy Easter.

Yes, I saw the blue colored book version being sold on eBay but realized they are new. I also know eBay is unpredictable. Normally when I don't know the value, I'll set a high Buy It Now with best offer option and see what comes in. But I do try to calculate a valid ball park value, of course.

I'm grateful for your input. Thank you again.



That is a great issue of a wonderful publication. As a long time collector, I can share a little bit of what I know.

You can still find these online from time to time. There are always a few of these being sold, as a matter of fact you can even find them right now on Ebay but they are new reproduced copies or CDs of the originals. It is hard to find the originals, and even harder to find the earlier issues of this magazine. However I would not call them "rare" as they were mass produced and are around in private collections and libraries, just not being sold on line very often. Scarce to come by? Very much so.

If my memory serves, this publication changed names or was absorbed into another millinery magazine as there were about 4-5 with similar titles and a couple of them merged or took over the other in the early 20th century. I have to check and get back to you on the details when I get a chance. The company also published books on millinery instruction for both the professional and home milliner.

It is hard to say the best place to sell these. Prices are all over the place. Ebay auctions are a gamble, issues can sell for high prices or low depending on who is bidding. Sorry I cannot be of much help there. What I can share is that prices on these old millinery magazines have fallen greatly in the past few years. However, yours is a harder to find Victorian issue, so should garner a good price. It also has the distinction of having color plates of chapeaux by famous Paris milliners. Not all issues had those.

The color plates are wonderful to see!

Thanks for sharing your treasure with all of us.