Announcing Announcing I am happy to Announce: Lingerie!

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The lingerie resource is now open to everyone its on the home page!!!! Just under all the little pictures.

This has been over a year in the making! and finally its done. I will be adding lingerie as I find interesting pics and labels and any extra info.

Thanks to Lei ( crinolinegirl) and Carolyne ( dancingdresses) and Chris ( patentleathershoes) and Deb( dibs)

Deb worked hard with me the past few days to get it done! Even when trying to make her Thanksgiving dinner so everyone thank her.

Chris put up with my constant ditziness in doing the editing So everyone thank her!

Carolyne just kept pushing me and kept me focused and sent me so many of her pretties and pointed me in the right direction for info so thank her too.

Lei shared her knowledge and fabulous collection with all of us so please a special thanks to her too!!

And I want to thank all you gals for your help and patience with me and to the guild members that shared thier pictures you all helped me like you wouldn't believe!!!!
Thank you Pauline and all the other VFG ladies for giving us the fabulous resource! I know I am using it already!

You guys are the best!

Cheers ~ Maureen
Pauline, and everyone else (stuffed with turkey - too lazy to type :) ),
THANK YOU so much for this! I can appreciate how much work went into this and how long you guys have been slaving over this!


The really neat thing about this, is you can search by decade. I was playing with it yesterday. You can get a feel for what kind of lingerie styles went with the decades. It was especially interesting to see the corsets by decade, you could see how the waistlines got smaller and smaller until they were ridiculously small, and then started getting more reasonable again.

Great job Pauline! I really enjoyed looking at it. I am sure it will be a project that will grow over time, just like the labels resource.
