Anyone know anything about the label “Charles James Shop?”


Registered Guest
I acquired a men’s overcoat with the label, “Charles James Shop Fifth Avenue
it also has the Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America Union label.
I have searched and searched, and I am unable to find anything that looks similar to this.
To be perfectly honest, I didn’t know Charles James made men’s clothing. Any insight anyone can give would be much appreciated!


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Thank you!
I assumed it was the name of a shop, given that “Shop” was in the name, but I can’t find any info about it, anywhere.
Thanks for taking the time to respond!
Its interesting. I have a record of James's business dealings over his entire career, in great detail, and no mention is made of a Charles James Shop, nor of designing men's coats.

When is the coat dated to? May we see it? Possibly someone was trading off his name after his death or they had the same name. Although the inner Amalgamated label looks older and made before he died.
Hi there- yes, I can absolutely get some photos taken of the coat and post them. I may not get to it today, but I’ll add them soon, for sure! Thank you for your response! I appreciate you taking the time!
As for when the coat is dated to, I can see on the 1948 Amalgamated label, so that’s as much as I know.
Thank you again!
I only searched one database thus far and only two articles popped up that mentioned Charles James Shop. Both articles were published in 1962.

The first article, from May 1962 is about the opening of E.J. Korvette's "gleaming white and gold castle on Fifth Avenue and 47th Street." The article noted that this was "the beginning of a new era for Korvette." They then comment "Perhaps the only blemish connected with the Fifth Avenue store is the series of emotional episodes with designer Charles James...Korvette officials are not certain that original James merchandise will be carried in the store...Mr. James attributes the difficulties to a lack of understanding of his methods by his employer Korvette...Korvette officials cringe at any mention of his name...Sportswear is in a wide price range and is being counted on for heavy volume. A black and white silk shirt and pants set carrying the Charles James Shop label is marked at $13,90 each..."

A June 1962 article describes shoppers wandering all over Korvette's new Fifth Avenue store as they try to find the Charles James dresses, only to be told the store is expecting more in ten days or they are expecting more, but deliveries are very slow. They note that one floor down, in the sportswear department, "it's a different story" and "Everything from the most classic swim suits to coordinates carry bright yellow and black "Charles James Shop" hang tags."

PLEASE NOTE these small references are posted here for educational purposes only and may not be reproduced anywhere else, for copyright reasons.
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Very interesting! My source states that in 1962 E. J Korvette announced that James is to design an off-the-rack-line that will retail at $50 to $200 and be label "From A Charles James Design". No mention is made of a "Charles James Shop" label.
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Barbara- this so so fun! Thank you for all of your work and effort!
I’m attaching a few photos. I wish the lighting was better, but I’ll have to set it up in the daylight, soon.

Thank you again- I’ll have to see what I can find from what you have shared.


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