
VFG Member
VFG Past President
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Arlaine, who many of you will know as vintageboudoir, passed away yesterday. Her unexpected death, caused by a sudden heart attack has shocked and saddened all who knew her.

Ar began selling on eBay on 24th May 02 under the name of duendefarm. On 31st August 02, she became vintageboudoir and revamped her eBay site in April of this year. I am delighted to say that Ar’s feedback during this time was 100%, a record she can truly be proud of and a credit to the VFG.

Ar's passing, so untimely and so unfair, reminds us all just how tenuous life can be. It also shows us that we each have family that extends far beyond our own blood relatives.

That family is the VFG and losing Ar serves as a reminder that the friendships we make here are precious and should never be taken for granted.

Ar had plans for her late father's loft apartment where she was living. She had hoped to use some of its massive space to set up a permanent vintage exhibition. Sadly that will never come about.

I would also like to add that Ar was very generous and extended a helping hand to other members in need and I know that many of us had cause to thank her.

Anne, thank you.

Ar was a very special person and is going to be so missed.

I am thankful I had the opportunity to have her as a

Such a sweet and kind lady. She will be greatly missed.
I apoligize for not posting this sad news on the public board, just not thinking straight..
Thank you Anne..

I love and miss you Arlaine.... so much

Oh, Ar. I didn't know her very well, but liked and respected everything I knew of her. She was wise and generous. Her passing seems wholly unfair.

Ar had one of the most generous spirits I've ever encountered. She was the perfect friend; a rock one could turn to in stormy times. I'll cherish her memory, knowing that my life is richer for having known her.
