Clarewood of London - collaborating with Nina Ricci??? heard of it?

chloe le fay

Registered Guest
I bought a suit 4 years ago with the label Clarewood of London, and researched it extensively, it was very hard to find any information and it seems the label is very rare. but the information i found was that this was from a collaborative collection with Nina Ricci. There isn't anything that says Nina Ricci on the label but I remember clearly noting that 4 years ago and am now selling it as such.

Now I have an interested buyer who wants to know more, Ive looked at my same research source and I can't find it! There is very little information about this label other than one photoshoot I found of a collection that lists them in the same collection but in the 70's and its unclear as to whether they designed items together or were showing their own things side by side.

can anyone help? this buyer is a collector and has quite rightly pointed out the label says "made in England" whereas Nina Ricci is French! I don't want to miss sell him something. thank you
Reading the blurb that goes with the photo, my understanding would be that they were different labels, showing together - or perhaps "Clarewood of London" is a retailer that stocks the other two labels.

I found some newspaper links on google that suggested it could be a retailer although it seemed they made clothes under their own name as well, if that was the case.

The newspaper articles are around '69-70 and I also found a coat on ebay that sounds early to mid '60s.

I think that whilst the company probably isn't associated with Nina Ricci, if the two labels were presented together, Clarewood of London must be of good quality. "Rare" can be a misleading term when it comes to vintage fashion, as there are many defunct labels that do not have much representation online. I found a company registration but of course, they're no longer operating. English business information may provide you with more, or perhaps English newspaper databases.