East West 1967 California info please

Chris Frisby

Registered Guest
Screenshot_20201219-012454.png Screenshot_20201219-012358.png Screenshot_20201219-012444.png Screenshot_20201219-012450.png View attachment 129602 View attachment 129603 View attachment 129603 View attachment 129604 View attachment 129599 Hello all. I'm a pretty new collector and pretty new at technology as well. I have started collecting coats.
It started as a way of ethically sourcing different fur for my hair brained "projects" but soon my craving for a buffalo coat took hold.
I'm now as I type up to my neck in shearling, black bear and bison coats.
The reason I'm writing is to ask for help on a specific shearling I recently purchased through a buy sell site. Hopefully this interaction goes smoother than my last, (as I just learned about phone updates.)
About a week or two ago, I came across a strange,dated, shearling coat. Just enough crazy to catch my eye. When I saw the price, I could not let myself let that much sheepskin get away. I hit "buy".This starting a whole new chapter of me.
So as I'm seeking a shearling for my daughter and a bison for myself, I stumble upon the strange shearling coat with a bison on the tag. Looks to be my little girls size.
I ended up looking into the label which had the image of a buffalo nickel which read "East West 1967 California"
Oh my goodness! Their site, their style, their story! It all made my heart sing. Filling me with validation, hope, ideas etc. My hair brained ideas weren't TOO far out, check their stuff out.
So my alleged East West shearling coat arrived in the mail today. I shakily messaged the woman and told her of the fact the coat may be worth a lot of money. That if it were, I would like to sell the coat and split the bounty. She wrote back saying she appreciates my offer, she hopes I do well in life and to have a merry Christmas.
So here I sit, kind of shocked and very happy I met this coat. Replica or not, it's been a game changer for me. It's awoken a furvor in me for my art like nothing before.
Now, I've not yet found much information about identification, I'm not 'tech savvy" and am bumbling around trying my darndest to figure something out.
Here is my question. My coat appears to be wearing a stolen tag. There is no leather label in the side and I've found nothing that matches my coat (that much) in all my searching. I'm not seeking authentication per se, I'm asking for people's opinions on the piece. Like I said, I got well more than what I paid from just the introduction to such an amazing business and event.
Anyone have any knowledge of this maker?
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Take it back... finding some really interesting stuff about a very interesting company lol. That said, from what I can see, East West Musical Instruments may not have been in business after 1979 and became East West Leather... So IF this is one of theirs under the new name, how far into the 80s did that company go? From what I read, the founder left in 79.

So... if it's not EWMI or EWL, is is a European knock off?

I'll bet one could contact many of the people in this bulletin board discussion (who used to work there) with pics of this jacket and get a definitive answer.
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Thank you guys so much! It certainly is an interesting company! I too was skeptical of the coats authenticity. After speaking with someone that knows a bit about them, I've been told a couple of things. 1 This is quite possibly a "prototype" or an employee making a personal jacket.
2 they believe this style of jacket was edged in camel hide.
The feel of the thing screams authentic. I can't explain it.
There's not a lot I've been able to find online about them. Thanks again SO much for the resources.
So, this is so far what I know.
When I did a reverse search on the image, my screen was filled with Japanese. I thought "confirmation,we have a fake". But then, later on in the day, I stumbled upon where someone stated that these coats were hot in Japan. Selling for big bucks. So off to google translate I went and realized that a reverse image takes me to an auction site in Japan where a very similar coat is posted for 148,000 yen. (Approx 1400. Usd) yes, theirs has the special leather tag mine is lacking but their are somesimilarities.
I will keep posted on progress and am so glad to have some Vintage fashion friends.
So, this is so far what I know.
When I did a reverse search on the image, my screen was filled with Japanese. I thought "confirmation,we have a fake". But then, later on in the day, I stumbled upon where someone stated that these coats were hot in Japan. Selling for big bucks. So off to google translate I went and realized that a reverse image takes me to an auction site in Japan where a very similar coat is posted for 148,000 yen. (Approx 1400. Usd) yes, theirs has the special leather tag mine is lacking but their are somesimilarities.
I will keep posted on progress and am so glad to have some Vintage fashion friends.
Sounds like the 'vintage bug' has bit you - welcome!