Help Dating Alfred Shaheen Dress


Registered Guest
I've been researching this piece for quite some time now, which has always lead me to a dead end, unfortunately. Having trouble finding a single one with the same print or style -- almost feels like it doesn't exist, to be honest! Has anyone come across this print and/or style before that can help me? Much thanks!

Edit: I should also add that there is no signature on the fabric, as I've seen on others. I know that they also sold patterns, fabrics, and labels for DIY. It also does look handmade. I have seen a swimsuit w/the same colors and similar print, but still different. So I'm definitely considering the possibility that this is a homemade dress using fabric that is not Alfred Shaheen. Any input would be very helpful, thanks!

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Sweet dress! I know they sold patterns and fabrics too, though I don't know a lot more abou Shaheen. Since the label itself says "stores" below the name, that would to me point to a commercially made garment though. The colors look 70s to me. I hope someone who knows more about Shaheen than me will comment as well.