help dating mary quant blouse


Registered Guest
hello all... recently bought a mary quant blouse on ebay that was described as being from the 60s... but now that i have it i'm not so sure. the specific MQ label on the shirt is not in the label resource. it looks new. any thoughts on the date of this piece? thanks so much in advance.


  • mary quant.jpg
    mary quant.jpg
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that exact label may not be in the resource but if you compare them, the font is the same as the 80s example, and the little flower looks to be the same too


my vote is that its a little later and not the original debut of Mary Quant - but the experts will certainly come along soon as I am not a real expert.

i have a hard time telling the colorway - which photo is accurate - is it brighter or more like the second photo?

the first photo is the colorway of a suitcase my mom had that she got in 1970-71 actually but that doesn't mean much because there was sort of a revival of it later as well.
the second photo shows the colors more accurately... they are not bright and vivid.. more muted... just found that the tag has international care symbols so it has to be older than the 60s...
last week i was in a charity shop and they were trying to selling a mary quant dress as 60's but it was no way that old... plus the label was like the 80's one....i think as the name is associated with the 60's big time... people automatically think 60's when they hear or see the name mary quant...

as for your blouse i would def say 80's as those sleeves ....and the wide stripes were in ( i had a few pinifore dresss and wacky blouses with those types of sleeves....)

edit.... thinking back i think it was mid to late 80's
MQ has an odd label timeline after the end of the Ginger Group label and her main labels as seen on the resource - but I think this long thin label was used from the mid-late Seventies and most of the 80s until replaced with the other label above. That blouse could frankly be anything from late Seventies to mid 80s!
Recently my friend Monica McMurray, Dean of Fashion Dept. at Stephens College (Columbia Mo) asked if I had a Mary Quant she could borrow for an A-Z fashion show they are doing. I don't--would you or someone else on the list be willing to loan her an MQ piece. Stephens will insure and pay postage.

I'm not home but will return on Mon. If someone is willing, please send me an e-mail so I can put you and Monica together.

She also asked about Zandra Rhodes; I have several of them.

And her last request was Monsieur X. Do you remember the Monsieur X,Y,Z labels in the late forties. I would love to have something from any of them. I'm a bit pressed for time today but will put this in a separate post another day. Claire
I have a few MQs; a very early 60s gold label (atypical, full skirt - interesting as an early piece), a black with white lace trim Ginger Group mini, an orange c.1973 Ginger Group mini....I feel like I'm forgetting another.....

I'd be happy to loan any of them, though it's probably a bit difficult that I'm in the UK!
yeah deffo 80's l woild say the style colouring is very 1983 ...