Identifying Worn Bag/Purse Labels

Lady Rockwell

Registered Guest
I have been searching for days to find a similar bag or label for this purse...
All that I can make out, when the lighting hits the label right I can make out that it is "Made in Belgium expressively for... _ _ eastel_rs" or " _ eastet_rs" (its difficult to make out..)
I adore this bag I do want to know the maker and value but I can't let it go until I know more information, it was one of my grandmothers, like many of her things half of which I am selling on Etsy, but some items.... I do not have the heart to let them go yet... (but if I don't they'll just collect dust and not be loved as they should)
Most of her booth items still have labels on them, but this one I don't think she found out the maker either.

The vintage fashion guild has been my "go to" resource for labels and information on decoding the history and information on 90% of my vintage collection. So I would like to thank you all, from my heart, and for the sake of my grandmother if she only knew how to work the internet when she was still around, she would have loved this site. So thank you all for what you do on here.

Also I do have another purse/bag that is just absolutely wonderful, I couldn't find a label or anything similar to it on the internet. My grandmother seemed to think it dated between late 1800s to Early 1900s. (Wooden Handle Bag, look at the handle details!)
1930irridescent black bag3.JPG


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