Is This Pre-1920s??

Eden S.

Registered Guest
Hi All,

I'm a relatively new collector and have been eyeing this dress. It's listed as a 20s, 30s piece but thought it could be earlier. It reminds me of a Titanic-style. That's velvet around the waist and collar. Thank you!


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This one may be difficult to determine from just the photos. It has a very basic shape, and possibly has been altered and/or added to in some way. I doubt it is from the 1920s or the 1930s. The lining (?) looks like silk, and so may I ask is the dress silk also? The large lace collar is called a Bertha collar, and somehow does not look as if it is original to the dress but I cannot be sure. Can you show us the front and back of the bodice, the part that is under the collar? The black velvet is probably also be an addition. It seems a bit "heavy" looking for the rest of the dress to me.

How does this close, with hooks and eyes, snaps, buttons, etc? And where are the closures located on the bodice?

It does have elements of earlier than 1920s, and the fabric looks lovely.

I am sure others will come in and help too.
Yes, that is confusing. My first impression was "reproduction" and as Barbara said, it is a little heavy - kind of out of balance. The lining does look older, but that velvet and lace looks newer. I assume there is no tag. Will be interested to see what others think.
I think its a 'matron' or older woman's dress from the 1920s - something a woman in her 60s+ might wear as its 'old fashioned' but still features some contemporary elements like the scalloped him and shawl collar, which are also found on younger women's dresses c. 1923-24-25... The lining appears to be made of weighted silk, and that type of silk pretty much disappears with the introduction of rayon, which takes off in the late 1920s.
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I haven't purchased it..was just eyeing it so I don't have any other photos. It snaps up the side and it looks like the silk lining also snaps up the side too. I do agree that the velvet is what makes it look like a reproduction, that's why I asked. The seller is saying the outer shell is "silk or satin blend". I dont think she's sure because she thought the lining was satin and it's obviously silk. She assures it's not a repro. I asked what it looks like under the lace capelet. Pictures below.
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I just think that this one is not easy for any of us to be 100% sure about unless we have it to handle and examine close up. The lining looks to be genuine antique silk and has begun to shatter. This is a good clue it is an antique garment, unless someone sewed an antique lining to a new garment and that seems very unlikely.

If I had to guess, my best guess is again that it is an antique dress that has been altered, perhaps (or perhaps not) for a costume use. In the alterations they may have made changes and or additions so we cannot be sure of its original silhouette and best determine the age. If the lace is antique, it may be original to the dress or was added (long ago or more recently) to make the dress seem, as Jonatahn has suggested, more matronly.

I do not get the sense that this is a 100% reproduction. I still think it is antique and has been altered and added to.

Of course, we cannot tell for sure.
Although there are several photos, I'm unable to date this dress accurately as the photos are not of the required size, or detail or don't identify what they are of - so more information is needed but the pics of the full garment look like they are most likely of a costume rather than antique garment. It would be nice to be surer of the fabric and construction. Only the pic of the bodice lining suggests it could be older (in my opinion). The rips suggest an aged silk, but there are other causes. That the seller confuses "silk" (which is a fibre) with "satin" (which is a weave) suggests that she is not knowledgeable about fabrics and can not be relied upon.

To determine age, my recommendation is to firstly identify the fabrics. Any synthetic component (or even rayon) will rule out antique. Hard without good photos or holding it in your hand.