Pendleton Blanket “Cape” ??

Nate Sherman

Registered Guest
In clearing out a relative’s house over the last couple years I came across a few vintage Pendleton items. This one seems to be a mystery both in it’s pattern and form. I talked my wife into reluctantly wearing it for a couple photos this morning. It has metal loop/clasps part way up each side of the neck piping and I believe is designed to be worn more tightly around the neck than shown.
Any info would be greatly appreciated, Thank You!
That is really cool and unusual!

At first I thought could be 60s judging from the style and the lack of a Woolmark label, which they started using in 1971

But then I realized it's not 100% wool. So maybe 70s?

Whatever the age it's cool and Pendleton Blanket clothing does well.
Those prints definitely look related! The cedar chest this was in when I found it had been in storage since 1996 and didn’t appear to have anything else in it that was newer than the 60’ definitely not “modern/recent”.

Now of course I’m wondering if it’s actually a skirt lol!