Questions/Data/Info request for a few pieces of Costume Jewelry


Registered Guest
So I recently acquired an assortment of costume jewelry which I have a range of questions about depending on the item. The jewelry I have been able to give tentative dates for seem to indicate most of the jewelry falls in the 70's to early 90's range but there might be an oddball or two in here that I haven't been able to identify. I realize that you guys/this forum is more for vintage fashion than vintage jewelry but I have seen some posts for vintage shoes, jewelry, hats etc so I thought it was worth putting these questions before you guys.

So in this bag of costume jewelry I found 5 objects from a costume jewelry line called Janny that apparently made Victorian/Edwardian/Gothic revival costume jewelry during the 70's. One pair of earrings is missing an imitation pearl and there is a pin or brooch missing a small round purple rhinestone. I would like to replace this missing ornament but am not sure where I should go in terms of suppliers. Any recommendations would be welcome.

Below are another few pieces of costume jewelry that look 80's to me but they are either unsigned, or I cannot find sufficient information on them online to determine whether or not this is the case. In order there is an Anne Taylor bracelet, the dining couple pin has a stylized N on the back (couldn't get a good quality photo of that), unsigned geometric shapes pin, A copper backed pin and pill box signed D.f.t.D (pin signed on the back, box unsigned), and then the weeping eye pin and ear earrings are from a company called Panatela Grand Designs that I cannot find any information on.

Thank you guys again (in advance) and hope you are having a great day.


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Fun stuff -- are the pearly grape pieces the Janny ones? Or are they unsigned?

The decoupage D.f.t.D brooch and pill box would be "Designs from the Deep", with the copper back being their earlier ('89 or so) pieces. You may also notice a Pisces logo.

Hi Metro - Yes the pearly grape ornaments and the earring & broach set with pink/purple/green rhinestones are all Janny pieces and all signed barring the bracelet. The bracelet is so consistent design & material wise with the pearly grape earring/brooch set though, that I'm reasonably convinced that it is also Janny.

And thank you for the D.f.t.D. info!
those ARE some really fun pieces!

for presentation's sake, you might want to try scanning your jewelry to get nice, clear close up shots of them. This can be particularly helpful when trying to capture the signatures on them.
those ARE some really fun pieces!

for presentation's sake, you might want to try scanning your jewelry to get nice, clear close up shots of them. This can be particularly helpful when trying to capture the signatures on them.

That sounds like a great idea! I am so used to only scanning 2-D objects that I didn't think of that, but my local library has a pretty good quality scanner, and it would definitely allow me to capture better quality images than I can on my cell phone. If you guys are interested I would be happy to post these better quality scans on this thread, so folks can see some of the signatures and replace the fuzzy cell phone images of the front of these pieces.