Silver & Marcasite Filigree Earrings


The earrings I wore on my wedding day were stolen in 2014. They were silver and marcasite and weren't worth a lot of money, but they have huge sentimental value. I wore them frequently and was absolutely heartbroken when they were taken (it still makes me cry).

I'm looking for similar earrings to try to replace them. The originals were old (my instinct was 1930s), and the quality was much higher than what I've seen in modern marcasite jewelry.


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I had the idea to sketch the design based on the photos, since they're blurry. Here is my sketch.


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Laura!!!!! omgosh, it's SO great to see you again!!!

i don't have what you're looking for, but maybe someone here will. I'd be heartsick, too..such a pretty pair of earrings from your special day. and, love your wedding photo! so beautiful!

so fantastic to see you!!
of course!! you had the Vintage Fashion Library (or something like that, right?). and you always are so kind and considerate, with a mischievous sense of humor.. :) i miss seeing you around here!
Sorry to hear about these being stolen. Losing sentimental items to theft is the worst.

I know have some silver and marcasite earrings, but I don't think they quite match yours - however I'll try and dig them out. Mine are clips. Are you looking for pierced earrings, or only clips, or will either do?
Pierced earrings is what I was looking for.

I posted on several local Facebook groups at the same time I posted here, and I was wonderfully surprised by how many people said they would keep an eye out for similar earrings for me. Tonight another resident from my small town posted a link to identical earrings. I don't know the person who posted the link, but I'm so thankful she took the time to search and was able to find them! I have looked off and on over the last 18 months and never found anything remotely like them. I bought them on the spot!

I'm not sure from the photos if the quality of the earrings is quite as high as my originals - but I never expected to find another pair of this exact design, so I'm absolutely thrilled!


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So sorry to hear about the theft. I have a couple of pairs, one of them has pearls but I dont think they are silver. I can post photos for you when I get home.