Vintage Infant Mannequin


Registered Guest
Wondering where to post, that I might get help with info on this guy... It is from the 40s or 50s (IMO), and the head is curved up, unlike a doll. It appears to be made from a composite - maybe fiberglass, but I am not sure. The arms and legs do not appear to be attachable, but they swivel completely so that you can dress him.

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Does it come apart anywhere - like a mannequin? There's a Facebook group called "Vintage Mannequins." Maybe you could post a photo over there.
Thank you - I did post it there but did not get a response - I think it has been a couple days. I don't think it come apart but the arms and legs do swivel for dressing. It is definitely a mannequin and not a doll, though, IMO.
That's a good question. I guess I was wondering if anyone might recognize the maker - ? He is perfect for my needs right now, but I was wondering if I might be able to find others that are like hi, such as toddlers and young children, since I make and sell children's clothing. I though if I knew where he came from or who the maker was then I might be able to find others like him. It is probably a shot in the dark though.

What do you want to know about about it?