vintage lingerie - seam finishing question


Registered Guest
Hi! I found a small pile of vintage lingerie/slips at an estate sale that included pieces that are clearly from the 1920s to clearly from the later 1940s, with a few 1960s pieces as well. Also included was this piece. I was wondering if anyone with expertise in finishing techniques could shed any light on the construction. It is silk, with lace at the neckline and tie-back waist. Most of the seams are folded over and stitched (is there a name for that?) like I am used to seeing on 1920s pieces. But the two seams running down the front are serged. It's almost like they didn't serge all the seams that would closely touch the body, but the two front ones (only on the skirt portion) are serged. Has anyone seen anything like this before? Do you think the serged portions are original? It looks 1930s-ish to me, does that seem right? - ps don't worry I only hung it on the wire hanger for a quick photo :)

Any thoughts much appreciated!
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IMHO, I wouldn't put overlocked (serged) seams much earlier than the 1930's, if that. Maybe it has been altered at some later point, hence the serged seams, as the other seams seem to be French seams with irregular stitching. Seems odd to mix the two in the same garment. Whatever the answer, it is lovely!
IMHO, I wouldn't put overlocked (serged) seams much earlier than the 1930's, if that. Maybe it has been altered at some later point, hence the serged seams, as the other seams seem to be French seams with irregular stitching. Seems odd to mix the two in the same garment. Whatever the answer, it is lovely!

thanks for your thoughts, Barbara! Exactly, it was a mix of the two techniques that had me wondering if anyone had seen similar, and also having not seen a lot of serged/overlocked stitches in a garment that - based on the rest of it - seemed of this date. I agree - it's lovely either way!