This week's Fresh Vintage on YouTube!

Time for this week's edition of Fresh Vintage. Click on the thumbnail to see the video on YouTube
YTFresh thumb Apr20-26.png

ETA: I found myself wanting new listings from a few more VFG members than posted in the Fresh Vintage thread this week. So I "raided" a few member shops on Etsy for recent listings and added them to the reel. @Flannery Crane @Lady Scarletts @Hattysattic @Alleycats @ginghamgirl - hope to see you post in Fresh Vintage this coming week!
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Thank you Joy!

Any VFG member who posts in the current Fresh thread by Monday, or the current Themed Parade thread by Friday gets included in that week's reel automatically. Fresh posting goes into the website blog on Mondays as well.
Oh how cool! Thank you for including me, I just saw this! I have been very, very bad about participating in Fresh Vintage - because I can not download photos from my listings to my desktop anymore, and that extra step of hunting for the photo on my hard drive just gets in my way of posting here. But this looks great! I did not know VFG was on YouTube!
Oh how cool! Thank you for including me, I just saw this! I have been very, very bad about participating in Fresh Vintage - because I can not download photos from my listings to my desktop anymore, and that extra step of hunting for the photo on my hard drive just gets in my way of posting here. But this looks great! I did not know VFG was on YouTube!
Its very cool- its like catching a reflection of yourself in a store window - and surprise YOU LOOK GOOD!